Sunday, June 08, 2008

Playing with Flickr

Too many things to play with, too little time to play. Just created a Flickr Badge of Christopher Paul Curtis' visit and am pretty excited. Now I want to figure out how to have a scrolling photostream of photos that is bigger...stay tuned!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Summer Reading

I am struggling with blogger shame as I have been out of the habit of writing for a while. A month to be exact. My old "blogging time" habit has been lost. I had been blogging in the parking lot of the girls' dance studio during their lessons, but with the change in times for rehearsals and the final shows I am done with that activity for the summer. I need to create a new habit.

That is not to say that I haven't been thinking about blogging and my topics...As I am wrapping up all the end-of-the-year work/school activities I am dreaming of all the time I will have to write and explore. And read.

Reading will be one of my biggest summer goals. Switching from elementary to middle school I have discovered that I have some rather large gaps in my reading expertise. I've been getting suggestions from online lists and the awesome group of middle school media specialists with whom I work. We have committed to reading at least three new books a month and then share/swap titles.

With summer approaching I want more.

I am turning to my online community for suggestions. Please, if you have any suggestions for summer reading let me know. I'll compile all the suggestions and may even get the podcasting portion of my blog going with book talks about the various books.

This is kind of scary; I am setting myself up for crickets chirping as I know this blog isn't exactly popular. But hey, it is a start...I'll never know unless I try.

Thanks in advance to those of you who respond with ideas!